On Saturday, February 14, 2015 my long desired delivery arrived:

TTSH DIY Kit Delivery TTSH DIY Kit Delivery20150214_162057_4694cr
TTSH DIY Kit Delivery

It arrived in good condition, postal services did a good job. Let's take a look at the contents. Carefully bubble wrapped there is the front panel:

TTSH Front Panel TTSH Front Panel20150216_203903_4714c
TTSH Front Panel
[scale in centimeters]

Next, there is the main circuit board:

TTSH Circuit Board, front panel side TTSH Circuit Board, front panel side20150216_201216_4705c
TTSH Circuit Board, front panel side
[scale in centimeters]

TTSH Circuit Board, component side TTSH Circuit Board, component side20150216_201447_4706c
TTSH Circuit Board, component side
[scale in centimeters]

A small part in the lower corner will be detached and used to install the switches on correct distance from the main board.

Then there are the three small VCO boards (still attached together here) that will get connected at the top of the main board:

TTSH VCO Boards TTSH VCO Boards20150216_202513_4711m
[scale in centimeters]

And finally there is a little bag with some screws and spacers:

TTSH Screws and Spacers TTSH Screws and Spacers20150216_202702_4713c
TTSH Screws and Spacers
[scale in centimeters]

Now I need to order various components as these are not included in the kit. Once I'm on that, the story will continue.

Built with Pelican · © 2025 Peter Kamphuis