For some unknown reasons Mouser had split my single order into two parts. The first, largest part arrived today. The rest should arrive soon, too. The box is just a box:

The Electronic Components Delivery from Mouser The Electronic Components Delivery from Mouser20150224_192302_4752
The Electronic Components Delivery from Mouser
The package.

Well, there are a lot of components inside, packed in two larger bags:

The Electronic Components Delivery from Mouser The Electronic Components Delivery from Mouser20150224_193412_4753
The Electronic Components Delivery from Mouser
The package contents.

Inside, in yet smaller bags, are all the components:

Resistors Resistors20150224_195033_4755cr

Ceramic Capacitors Ceramic Capacitors20150224_195256_4756cr
Ceramic Capacitors

Electrolytic Capacitors Electrolytic Capacitors20150224_195416_4757c
Electrolytic Capacitors

Operational Amplifiers, Transistors and Diodes Operational Amplifiers, Transistors and Diodes20150224_195914_4760cr
Operational Amplifiers, Transistors and Diodes
Packed in anti-static bags.

Slide Potentiometers Slide Potentiometers20150224_200536_4761cr
Slide Potentiometers

Trimmer Resistors Trimmer Resistors20150224_200757_4762cr
Trimmer Resistors

Switches, Headers and Headphone Jack Switches, Headers and Headphone Jack20150224_200916_4763cr
Switches, Headers and Headphone Jack

Meanwhile I have learned that for some components, like resistors and capacitors, it is cheaper to buy at least 10 instead of just one or few. One should carefully check unit prices and not necessarily stick exactly to a given BOM (“bill of materials”).

The second delivery will add several more resistors and a few more headers.

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