Many components are available now, a few remaining that are still missing should arrive soon. It's about time to start soldering. Before doing so, I have sorted all resistors and capacitors:
That will help in finding the correct ones. I'm starting with the three VCO boards. Earlier already I had mounted the sockets for the CA3046 ICs. Yesterday evening I have added the resistors:
Today I have added the 3x2 SMD decoupling capacitors on the back side of the VCO boards. These are of size “0805”, which means a length of only 2.0mm. This turned out to be easier than I thought:
Maybe the correct tools help here. An extra fine soldering tip and a pair of (anti-static) tweezers:
Last part for today was adding a few capacitors:
What's still missing as of now:
- The 2N3904/2N3906 transistor pairs, I need to do some matching for these first.
- The 2N4125 and 2N5459 transistors and CA3046 ICs, I hope to receive these soon from Balzer CFS.
- The 1k87 tempco resistors, I hope to receive these soon from Thonk.
- The 5pF capacitors, I haven't found these yet…
- The headers, to connect the VCO boards to the main board. I'll do these last.