Beautiful sports cars from the 1960's and 1970's. Even in the 1990's the Alpines were still made and the brand was revived again in the 2010's with a new and modern version of the A110.

Following are some pictures of a 1971 A110 model at 1:16 scale, by BBURAGO, that I have.

Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO20050203_203641_0859c
Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO

Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO20050203_203826_0860c
Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO

Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO20050203_204048_0861
Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO

Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO20050203_205017_0863
Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO
Left little grating unfortunately missing.

Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO20050203_205321_0865
Alpine A110 1600S (1971) by BBURAGO

And here are some pictures of an A110 in real life that I made during a vacation in the French Jura. It shows how small the A110 actually is.

Alpine A110 1300 Alpine A110 130020200628_180107_3639cr
Alpine A110 1300
In Baume-les-Messieurs, June 2020.

Alpine A110 1300 Alpine A110 130020200628_180002_3638cr
Alpine A110 1300
In Baume-les-Messieurs, June 2020.

Alpine A110 1300 Alpine A110 130020200628_180401_3643cr
Alpine A110 1300
In Baume-les-Messieurs, June 2020.

At the same location the next day the new version of the A110 was parked.

New Alpine A110 New Alpine A11020200629_143438_3655cr
New Alpine A110
In Baume-les-Messieurs, June 2020.

New Alpine A110 New Alpine A11020200629_143554_3657cr
New Alpine A110
In Baume-les-Messieurs, June 2020.

In my childhood times, during a vacation in the Alsace in 1977, I came across an A310. For a longer time, as child, this was my favorite sports car.

Renault Alpine A310 Renault Alpine A310nx0805cr
Renault Alpine A310
In Husseren-les-Châteaux, July 1977.

Renault Alpine A310 Renault Alpine A310nx0806cr
Renault Alpine A310
In Husseren-les-Châteaux, July 1977.

And 36 years later, in the French Jura, another one.

Renault Alpine A310 Renault Alpine A31020130712_214705_1530cr
Renault Alpine A310
In Orgelet, July 2013.

Renault Alpine A310 Renault Alpine A31020130712_214746_1531cr
Renault Alpine A310
In Orgelet, July 2013.

Built with Pelican · © 2025 Peter Kamphuis